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Our Mission

Our primary objective is to provide parents and children with a Pre School where the atmosphere is warm and welcoming, safe and stimulating, where children are happy and parents are confident that the care their children receive will meet their high standards.


It is generally agreed that young children learn through their play experiences, by providing a wide range of age related activities we hope to engage the interest of all children and to stimulate their curiosity and desire to learn.


We operate a key person system, which means that each child belongs to a key group and has one member of staff with whom they build a particularly strong bond. This has been shown to enable children to separate from their parents with a minimum of distress. It is a key person’s responsibility to ensure that the children in his/her group are happy and secure at Pre School, to chart their progress each term and to feed-back information to parents.


Our settling in policy means that children due to attend Pre School the following term spend several mornings at the setting, during this time they become familiar with the staff, children and the routines of the group. Parents are encouraged to share information that will assist the key person in forming a relationship with the children and we in turn get to know the parents so that they are assured their children will be well looked after.


We welcome comments and suggestions from parents which will help us improve the service we offer and strive to maintain a useful two way exchange of information.

Find Us!

We are Located at;

Park Street Scout Hut

Rear of 29 Birchwood way

Park Street



Opening Times

Monday  9:00 Am - 12:00 Pm

Tuesday 9:00 AM - 3:00 Pm

Wednesday 9:00 Am - 3:00 Pm

Thursday 9:00 Am - 3:00 Pm

Friday 9:00 Am 1:00 Pm

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